I always get a hoot when some inexperienced twit, or one with expertitis gained from such limited, fleeting involvement as yours, goes around telling experienced guys they don't know s--t.

Happens every day in every endevour, hunting, shooting, fishing, business, investing...

You've been doing it to Ray as well, novice. What a one trip wonder.

But lets stick to elephant hunting, double rifles and their regulation, accurate shooting. You have made an ass of yourself with your expertitis on these topics, here and on AR. That's right, every f--kin' double rifle you have tried, Searcy, Hyem, shoots like hell because it is the rifle, eh? Couldn't possibly be the one common denominator, which is the opperators inexptitude, eh?

Don't forget the exchange where you told one and all that there is no need to shoot off a bench and bags when the hood of the pick-up is availble, after all, the wobble and shake from the pick-up only fits with a double rifle's accuracy potential, right?

Go back and hunt for and kill another dozen or so elephants, do it in the jess, up close. When you return, I predict you will end up knowing why DG PH's, especially elephant PH's shoot open sighted rifles and understanding that they are right, that Ray is right, that I am right, that open sights are the best option for elephant hunting.

If you return and still think a scope is better, at least you will have a foundation for your opinion.

BTW, the elephant died, if you told the truth, he had 5 bullet holes in him, one smaller hole in the head from you, another in the neck from you, and another in the shoulder from you, two in the heart/lung/shoulder from the PH. BS that the PH or you didn't know where his bullets went.

Also if the elephant was charging you and "...the final shot was taken during a charge at a distance of like 10 yds so", how did you kill it with "One round at the edge or the neck/spine area..." that "...ended it."? No possible way to make a neck shot on an elephant that is actually charging you, though it is possible to shoot low and reach the spine.


Last edited by JPK; 11/12/09.