No, its not a stright forward request as you have already talked to Wayne about all those things early today,and your just trying to stir up more crap, He is under the impression that you still want to hunt with him.

I don't give a damn what you do.. your making all kinds of BS accusations towards me and now your playing games. I have tried to be polite with you and I apoligised twice. that's it, no more, you do whatever you want.

You have done all of this for one reason alone and that is because I disagreed with you on a iron sight discussion and that in itself is BS, I don't have to agree with you on such a subject, especially one you know nothing about.

Everyone else last year got a deer in Seymour including myself on the last day of season and I saw half a dozen bucks in a day and half of hunting..Also I shot a large hog...You didn't get a deer and you told me so, you were not mad at the time. I can't help that you failed to connect, I regret it when a hunter does not kill his game, but I will say that everyone else did. I don't guarentee a deer on a fair chase hunt. I never guarenteed you a deer..I find it strange that your the only one that didn't get a deer. Now I am wondering if your the hunter that showed up at the ranch with no groceries and begged off on the rancher to feed you meals, knowing that you were supposed to bring food adn cook for yourself and that it was not a guided hunt, said so in the add? was that you sonny!

You can do whatever the hell you please for this year, I don't want anything more to do with you and would prefer to refund you your money, but that is up now up to you and Wayne as I have sent him your deposit as you well know.. I talked to Wayne today and he agreed to refund you if that's what you really want. He has nothing to do with Seymour or this BS your spewing around.

I will never book you again for a hunt of anykind and that is for sure. Some people just can't be pleased and your one of them. I am no miracle worker.

This is my last post, take your money and run or go hunt. Wayne is in no way involved in this unless you make him so. He is just trying to make a living and do his best to provide good hunts for his clients.