No dog in this fight, but getting back to the original topic of open sights on DGRs.

I didn't have the good fortune of killing an elephant on my first hunt for them this summer - booked through Ray who delivered exactly the conditions promised and a no-BS PH carrying a 500NE Searcy with irons, and who I'll hunt with again - but I spent enough time close in among hundreds of elephants to know that as much as I like the scoped bolt action I carried, when I go back I'll carry an open sighted DR. Just an opinion from a non-expert.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty of give me death! P. Henry

Deus vult!

Rhodesians all now