Reading all of this one thing becomes very clear....a lot of democrats in Montana. A democrat is a person who wants everything at someone else expense.

They want to hunt but the out of state "RICH" people can pay for our FWP (over 10% of the total budget is from non res big game license alone), I want a place to hunt and because my fellow Montana land owners want their cut (Block Management) we will have the non res's pay for that too. (hunted on a BM ranch this year, do it your self, I am a poor "RICH non res" and the rancher told me that he has aprox 400 to 500 people sign in on his land alone each year. Of that a handful at best were non res hunters. I was there a week and only 3 other non res for that week.)

Can't allow the outfitters to make a dollar, and now that we have them on the ropes lets stomp on them. Seems to me they are just working people too. Overall according to Great Falls newspaper non res outfitter hunting has been on the decline with prices falling and license counts declining. The economy sucks and Montana wants to kill the outfitting business. Doesn't seem like a good idea.

I'll never forget the line from the Billings newspaper, a few years ago (non res bashing in Montana has been an ongoing sport...not much entertainment out their you know) when they described non res hunters as "wealth non resident hunters" no distinction that I can remember from do it yourselfers and outfitters hunters. If you have 2 nickels to rub together and you enjoy hunting you must be wealth.

And for the one guy who wrote that non res have no choice they just have to pay what the states says, oh yes they do, don't go at all. One year of non res boycotting Montana and the FWP would be bankrupt. This isn't going to happen however, the NFO tried that back in the 60's with pig farmers to raise the price of pork.

Montana hunters like to bash the people who have managed to make a few dollars more, just like Nancy P and the president, Democrates!

I hope you all remember that the folks with money always get to do what they want to do and if you stop them in won't make things for you any better.

Montana has serious issues with their res, non-res, outfitter access rules. I just wish they could get the politics and the democrates, self serving voters, out of the equation so the professionals, FWP personnel could manage the balance.

Save the Earth...its the only planet with chocolate!