i aint evenly mildly well off....as i said i save year round for my hunting season cause i dont make alot either and will put in 40 hours in 3 days so i can spend the next 4 hunting....a $200 increase wouldnt phase me cause ill cut out a few days of hunting to save on what i would spend on gas to make up the difference.....ive eaten alot of peanut butter sandwiches to squirrel away cash for a gun or more gas money for hunting.....

unless your a farmer or rancher with the critters on your land it aint that cheap to seriously hunt mule deer for residents either on public land.....major reason my wife and i choose to live here is for chasing critters in October and November.....

Last edited by rattler; 11/17/10.

A serious student of the "Armchair Safari" always looking for Africa/Asia hunting books