Originally Posted by SLM
Originally Posted by DINK
Its not so much about the money but about the fact that they are stealing it.

I have hunted montana several times and drove from one end of the state to the other almost. I really like it there but a deer tag is not worth $527.

Montana recieves its share of federal money that comes from all us and now because I don't live there I have to pay $500 for a deer tag. I just don't know if I will pay it. I don't mind paying extra for a tag but at some point it becomes stealing.


Why can people not understand you are not paying to hunt on public land, you are paying to hunt animals that are owned/managed by each state.

Get that state owned game off of my federal land.

The game is not what I was really refering to. I was refering to all the paved roads that the feds pay for, bridges, overpasses, ect. that the people of montana could not afford to have done due to there population or lack there of. I don't mind paying for the roads but think its pretty chitty that they way they repay the non-residents is with $500 deer tag.
