Originally Posted by ltppowell

Yup...our socialism will be different. It will work for sure, even though it has NEVER, EVER worked in history.

Well, Hillary, you lost this one. Cry all you want, call names, lay blame, go protest if it makes you feel better. After you get that out of your system, give me a PRACTICAL solution! You can't fix this system, you can't take your Time Warp Machine back to before 1933, before Medicare, before Social Security, before FDR and LBJ foisted Socialism on us.

So what are you going to do? Revolution? Yeah, right. Russell Means tried that revolution stuff at Wounded Knee. He quickly realized that a handful of guns ain't crap compared to Apache helicopters, so good luck.

You gonna run off in the woods and work on your Manifesto, maybe blow up a few judges for attention? Ted does need some company at the Super Max.

Buddy, you and I and the rest of America is stuck with this. Bitching about the failures of Socialism isn't changing that reality. If Congress would put something on Trump's desk that would take us back to 2009, he'd sign it. He will never see that. More voters will now demand a one payer fix. They've seen the benefit and have been taking the punishment through run away premiums.Trump can't make Congress go back, term limits won't, Rand Paul sure as hell won't. Neither will Ted Cruz nor the ghost of Ronald Reagan.

You can be defiant and stand on your "true" principle. Fine, you still lost. You'll have something in common with Hillary and Bernie voters who are still pissed. Where do we go from here? If you want to stick your head in the sand and moan that America is not 1950 America, run by mostly conservative White people go ahead. The rest of us are studying the cards that have been dealt us in 2017 and are trying to find a way to make a winning hand out of it.

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo