Originally Posted by jorgeI
That is because you are a moron. My friend who is an orthopedist surgeon, had a 300K insurance nut to crack and it's even more for OBGYNs. Trial Lawyers assoc are the # 1 contributors to democrats. Let that sink in

Thank you for posting. You are so right on.

Additionally, if anyone really thinks medical treatment is straight forward, they are so wrong. The insurance industry has inserted itself so far into a physician's practice, that even if a Dr thinks surgical intervention is THE ONLY practical treatment intervention, many insurers will deny it, until shown that scores of physical therapy and steroids done first, have not resolved the problem. The patient suffers much pain, hence opioids needed to to manage severity for months on end, and patient out of pocket costs for a half dozen therapy sessions and steroids, etc repeated MRI's,which barely make it to their deductible cap. Funny how the insurance industry can calculate how much they can stall a needed surgery with patient costs right up to the deductible cap. I'm in healthcare, and have sadly watched this happen over and over. And, yes, my RN malpractice insurance has gone up over the past 8 years, despite never ever being accused of any malpractice. Tort reform is needed.

Last edited by Wyogal; 05/08/17.