Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by gregintenn

What you aren't considering is that under the auspice of healthcare, .gov can regulate and control everything in your life. It's a totalitarian's wet dream!.

Guns? They're dangerous. People being shot will increase the cost of healthcare. We have to ban them.
Hamburgers? You can't eat that. Think of your fellow countrymen! Ban em.
Reproduction? The last thing we need is another person sucking up healthcare money! You can't have any more kids!
Shall I go on?

Also, your quote above is the very reason I say the Trump might as well Co-op a system that works and steal it from the Dems. Ilf you let the Dems do it - and they will- what you will see is exactly what you wrote above. Bloomberg already showed us that in NYC with his big soda drink ban. Next will be red meat. MDs are already asking about guns.

What I'm telling you is - unless you have a realistic way out of this - and I no longer see one- then it is time to fight the Progressives hard on the other fronts and win where we can. Beat them in every other area we possibly can. Beat them on guns, trade, borders, energy, jobs, taxes, but we lost this one. IF the GOP fights this losing battle down to the last man, they will get thrown completely out, and your apocalyptic vision for this country will come true.

You can't have everything your way. You lost on Healthcare.

Do you want to win on 80% of everything else and stay in power for 40 years, or lose on EVERY issue and get thrown out for the next 60 like the GOP did in 1932? IF the DSEMS do sweep in, we will become one giant California in record time. There will be nothing to stop them. Keep them out, work on the SCOTUS for the next 12 years, and I see a bright future.

Get me your blueprint for your solution.

The blueprint for my solution is the U.S. Constitution. Nowhere in it does it give the government authority to make a person purchase a product. Furthermore, nowhere does it enumerate the very best in healthcare as a right to all.

Again, if all one does is co-opt a Democrat plan after he's won power away from Democrats, he's no better than the Democrats.

I'll say this one more time. If you cede your healthcare to the federal government, they can then bypass all the other stuff you proudly proclaim worthy of fighting for, and control it in the name of your health.