after reading this multi-faceted epistle, i feel so much better. now, i'm beginning to understand the totality of the picture so much better.

as an aside i wonder how Handel will vote when she replaces the Dr. Price.

beyond that, what's been spelled out is one thing as the root cause. it's the rise of the global mega-cities. many are right here in the good ole US. and it's a global perspective. the mayors know they have their views, and they're often in contradiction to nationalist views. just look at sanctuary cities and the immigration debate.

at least i don't feel so bad about getting drafted under ol johnson. the federal gov't can do what it wants to do. and it's based upon the laws that get passed, then enforced by the pistol-toters. it's good to understand how things really works.

national one-payer healthcare by definition will spread out available health services "applied equally" to all the citizenry. there'll be winners & losers. and rationing is a likely outcome if medical care resources aren't greatly increased.

that's sorta how i see it, as a medicare fee payer, and medicare advantage plan holder. i still have co-pays at the doc everytime i see her.