Originally Posted by ltppowell
His "point" is socialism, like about half of these so-called "conservatives" here at the 'fire want. It's a natural course for stupid people to take.

When are you going to acknowledge that we have and have had socialism and socialized medicine for 50 years? This is not a discussion about total free market vs. total government control. There is no more free market, there hasn't been one since the inception of Medicare/Medicaid.

The people over 65 and the ones below the poverty level are covered under a system of national health care. Period. That is never going to change. Period.

I don't care if you don't like it. I don't want the sun to rise in the east and set int the west, but that's reality.

You MUST acknowledge that the system is already socialized for large segments of the population. Next, you need to come to grips with the fact the voters will not give up pre existing conditions or the premium subsides. That part of the ACA just expanded the socialism. They won! It sucks, but they won. They are up by 42 points with 1:15 left in the game. How are you going to come back now?

You don't like socialism, neither do I. I difference between us is you steadfastly refuse to see this battle is lost and there is no way back to 1965. It is as if you are Native American, you can bitch all you want about how the White man stole your land, killed the buffalo and phouced up the world. Right or wrong, the White men ain't getting on boats to go back to Europe. Mexicans ain't all going home, the buffalo ain't coming back, and your ass ain't getting off the reservation.

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo