Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by irfubar

WOW, Jello makes more sense than Curdog 25-20 and our all wise Hatari is advocating socialized medicine?

I think we have entered the twilight zone? Does anyone else hear that strange music in the back ground?

Excuse me while I add another layer of tinfoil. wink

What I am telling you is that we already HAVE socialized medicine and have had it for 51 years in the form of Medicare.

Now that you have pointed out that both JeffO and TRH agree with me, I'm obviously wrong by default. Excuse me while I go drink hemlock. smile

And it sucks!!! So does the V.A. Why a sane person would want more of this is beyond my comprehension. How, pray tell, did everyone get by before government jump feet first into the healthcare industry?