Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by gregintenn

So you'll be happy with Democrat Lite. I'm not. If we're going to to enact Democrat policies, why not just elect Democrats, instead of Democrats pretending to be Republicans? Republican control all three houses now. If they won't do anything with that control, screw em! I hope one never gets elected again.

No, I'm not "happy" with Democrat lite, but I know what full Deocrat control means next time around.

First, the Senate Majority leader will be Chuck Schemer whose #1 issue his whole career has been gun control
Next, you will have absolute Open Borders
Follow that by more Federal Land Grabs, a prohibition on fracking and the end of domestic energy deveoplment
You will have another increase in minimum wage which will eliminate more entry level positions making it more and more difficult to get kids and non college grads into the work force,thereby swelling the already ridiculous welfare rolls.

You will see ever increasing regulations protecting women, minorities, Muslims, LGBTQ in the work place. You will be FORCED to hire them and you will never be able to fire them without the Justice Dept frying your ass.

Do you want me to go on? It doesn't take Nostradamus to predict that future, but you do have to have some actual awareness of political realities that exist in this country right now.

Trump still has a great chance to undo so much of what Bill Clinton started and Obama continued with gusto. I'm telling you he's not winning this one. Usurp the power from the Dems and render them impotent. Hammer the rest of the agenda as hard as possible. He will have the backing the people.

You can throw the baby out with the bathwater and say screw the GOP forever. Read again what Dem control brings you the next time they get into power. Lose one , win 6 or 7 or 8? Or lose them all. There is no other realistic outcome right now. Believe what you want. Tell me the Earth is flat and that you'll shout until you die, but it's round.

What you aren't considering is that under the auspice of healthcare, .gov can regulate and control everything in your life. It's a totalitarian's wet dream!.

Guns? They're dangerous. People being shot will increase the cost of healthcare. We have to ban them.
Hamburgers? You can't eat that. Think of your fellow countrymen! Ban em.
Reproduction? The last thing we need is another person sucking up healthcare money! You can't have any more kids!
Shall I go on?