If there is one kind of equipment that I have too many of it's the puffy jacket. Seriously, I have 2 Badlands Infernos, a First Lite Uncompahgre, a Browning Hell's Canyon Tommy Boy, 2 Cabela's Primaloft jackets, a KUIU Kenai, 2 LL Bean down puffies, A Cabelas packable down jacket, and probably more that I cannot remember. The down jackets are probably the warmest that I have but have their obvious drawbacks. The Badlands Inferno jackets are probably the warmest synthetic jackets to me. The Browning is warm too.

I was looking at the KUIU Superdown, and I am sure it is good but I don't think it would be warm enough for me. I get cold quickly when I am not moving. The Superdown has high quality fill but not a whole lot of it. If you are looking for the ultimate warmth, I think the bulkier (high fill weight) down puffies would be the warmest. I would look at the drab colors from Montbell, Feathered Friends, Marmot, North Face, etc. They won't be cheap but should be very warm.

Last edited by Theeck; 12/14/17.