Originally Posted by Formidilosus
Originally Posted by mountaintop
Hate to revive an old thread but it’s a good one. Has anyone tried the new version KUIU superdown PRO? How do they compare for use while glassing and sitting stationary? Thx

With 5oz of fill it’s about a 35 degree jacket for complete comfort while absolutely stationary for hours. That’s with wearing a thin base layer, and light to medium fleece (Patagonia R1) under it. If your in the sunlight, you can go lower.

Used a variety of puff jackets the last three weeks from negative 3 or 4 degrees to almost 60. Mostly between low teens and 35 degrees. The Firstlite Chamberlin has no equal in the hunting companies puffys. It’s a solid 20’ish degree jacket when worn as above.

Do you prefer FL over the Kifaru LPP?