Originally Posted by deputy30
Do you have any base layer garments made of Primaloft?


I do not - yet. I spent the past couple days deer hunting from a treestand. It was 16 degrees this AM. I wore a First Lite Mineret, Kuiu Ultra Merino 210 hoodie, and EMS Feather Pack into the stand (1/2 to 3/4 mile walk). I put a First Lite Woodbury over that. I had on 2 thin base layer on my legs and a pair of FL North Branch Bibs. My legs were a bit cool after about 2.5 hours. I'm looking at Primaloft insulated mid layer puffy pants now. Cabelas, Patagonia, and LL Bean all make one, as does the military. I'll own one of them before next deer season.

That said I do own a First Lite Santuary jacket and bib. The issue is that they are way too hot if you need to hike any distance. I'm hunting in the mountains of eastern and southern Tennessee (Cumberlands) and they are too hot for that purpose. I'm looking to add a mid layer Primaloft mid layer pant with the FL North Branch bibs. I should be set after that.

Also heard a couple things from First Lite. 'Rumor' has it they will be adding a hood to the North Branch jacket. A jacket with no hood is fairly useless in my book. I wear a hood alot, mostly for wind control when its warmer, to keep warm when its cooler. They may also be dreaming up a puffy pair of pants like I'm looking at. I'll own both if they actually do that............

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