Totally agree. Been packing a G17 for almost thirty years, no matter weather or circumstances. I can make cranial hits with that gun out to 25 yards once per second or less, depending on recent training frequency. Between the gun and spare mag, I have 35 rounds to accomplish the task. If I think I may need the gun, I carry two spare mags. The blade is an ESEE3, as I don’t like or trust folders for much. Backup for the Glock is a Ruger Sp101 .357. If you need a gun, you need a gun. Not some watered down facsimile of a weapon that only does the job if the threat is what you expected, when you expected, and how you expected.

We castigate dealers for trying to sell women guns less capable because of their perceived weakness, and then sit around discussing our pocket pistols and why we don't need anything more.