The thing about "Gun Free" Zones...

Consider this.

We all know they are target rich opportunities for killers, active shooters, or whatever label you want to put on the bad guy who seeks them out and chooses them as his place to commit his heinous acts.

You know he is not going to follow the law.

You have to make a choice as an individual.

You can either choose to frequent those establishments without the means to protect yourself and your loved ones.

You can choose to discreetly carry and go about your business and have the ability to protect your family if something bad happens.

You can choose to not go into those places.

The choice is entirely yours, and only you can make it.

Having a handgun may allow you to save your family, yourself and possibly others, as well as lessen the damage caused by a person planning on going on a shooting rampage.

You deal with that in the immediacy.

Dealing with violating the law after having stopped a shooting rampage is a tomorrow problem. The prosecutor has to decide if he is going to pursue charges or not. The fact is you have to be alive to worry about such things.

I know what my choices are, and each person can make their own.


The Tikka T3 in .308 Winchester is the Glock 19 of the rifle world.

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