Originally Posted by Kenlguy
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad

Any of you svelte and stylish mofos got some concealment ideas for someone who tucks his button up shirt in and wears suspenders every day?

For a 17 or a 34?

Back in the pre suspenders days I carried what I wanted in a belt holster. A custom 1911 to a 5 inch XD 45 to a 5.5 inch 629.

Serious question here.
I got the same problem.

I carried a Glock 17 as my concealed carry for 20+ years. For me it always came down to a cover garment.

In cool weather, just add a vest (no not one of those fisherman's style vest with 67 pockets that Ayoob carries sammiches in......grin).

Another favorite for cooler temps, a wifebeater undergarment, and a hoody sweatshirt to cover the gun (IWB holster).

The wife beater is optional, but I like it so I don't have the pistol or holster directly on my skin.

Having an old back injury that still gives me flare-ups with pain, wearing a snug fitting belt is not always possible. That's where suspenders and a looser belt tension come in. If I'm wearing suspenders, they are under the cover garment, and over the wife-beater or t-shirt undergarment.

In warm weather, a wife-beater undergarment, sometimes suspenders, then a lightweight summer shirt un-tucked.

For me it was hard to get accustomed to not tucking in a shirt, but sometimes necessity dictates.