Originally Posted by Magnum_Bob
Around where I live the leo's preferred those carrying to do so.concealed so they didn't get a or many "man with a gun" calls. You.might have the right to carry open but why make a target out of yourself? The way the courts work these days you might be better off to let them shoot someone first to prove their intent before you go to your own shooting. Eli Dicken is hailed as a hero for putting that guy down but if that guy hadn't allready shot and hit people ole Eli would be in jail. Pretty sick to think you gotta watch murder first before doing something about it but that is left doing their sh*t again. They point that gun at me changes the ball game. Everything the left has done for years has the intent to eliminate the 2nd A. Mb

Good post….

I posted this quite awhile ago, but perhaps it is worth repeating.

Son-in-law is on local police dept….. had a long conversation with him one time regarding “mall shooters.”

He made three comments of some relevance…..

First, he broadly categorized some of his fellow policemen as “those that are cool and levelheaded …. and he’d be happy to team up with them.”

Second, were “those that get really excited in emergency and unfamiliar situations and one was not sure how they might respond” and this group may or may not be both helpful and predictable in emergency situations.

Ok, so far, this is pretty standard stuff and most of us have some experience with these two “types.”

Then he cautioned me…..he says TF, “if you as a civilian are first to get involved in some action, be aware that when the cops show up, they may not be thinking and just ‘shoot everyone’ who is holding a gun.”

Interestingly, he was not yet “experienced” and kinda identified as being in the second group but aspired to grow in his leo role and take his place in the first group.

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”