Originally Posted by IA_fog
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by IA_fog
Originally Posted by goalie
Originally Posted by deflave
[quote=goalie][quote=deflave]Next up will be "I shoot better without an optic."


In their defense, people with schitty fundamentals can't even find the dot on the draw, so they probably do......

Some of us are color blind and struggle to see the dot period. Secondly to me a handgun is a close quarter gun or a gun to give some firepower cover( firing back)to allow me to get to my shotgun or ar

Let's run a few scenerios and maybe you can help me understand how this works in the real world.

You're in the food court of a mall when a bad guy starts shooting people at the far end. Do you advance under cover and put shots on target, or head to your vehicle to get your long gun. Do you always have a long gun in your vehicle, or do you have to drive home to get your AR?

In the Florida nightclub shooting, all the exits were chained except the entrance. The gunman stood in the entrance shooting everyone as they tried to escape. In this scenerio, how does your handgun "buy you time to get to your long gun"? Do you travel with your long gun? Have it in the rental, and how are you getting past through the only exit to get to it?

"Fighting to another gun", is mostly BS. The vast majority of gunfights are won or lost with what you have on your or within reach when it kicks off.

First I do have a loaded shotgun and ar in my vehicle. Second I must clarify the get to other gun. If I’m stopped in my truck or at home the handgun to me can slow the attack especially if the intruder caught by surprise long enough to get the other guns out. In your scenario it depends, if it close by advance and attack, if it a long way away start to get people out of harms way while watching shooters direction. And also depends on the weapon,, if the mall attacker has an ar I am outranged and out gunned with a handgun, if he has a shotgun the odds are in favor that I have longer range than he does
The Florida one it doesn’t buy time but maybe could have been used to startle the shooter and keep him at bay, maybe it could have been used to get a door open
Each scenario is different and each responder responds differently

I appreciate your response, but I think you get my point. I've lived places where keeping a long gun in the vehicle was the norm, but around here, not so much. Either way, most gun fights are a "come as you are" party. What you have when it starts is what you'll have when it end, so dress accordingly.

TRH posts some good footage from real self-defense encounters. Anyone who's watched more than a couple dozen will stop with the cold chambers, weird carry positions, and illusions you'll have time to go get another gun. Yes, it occasionally happens, but not very often.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell