Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Hopefully you will think on some of the good advice others have given.

Shooting everyone who is carrying is a bad plan.

You might also consider the guy with the AR might have just taken down the real bad guy on the scene so maybe "overthink it" and make sure anyone who you try and shoot in the head is actually a real bad guy.

Food for thought.

Originally Posted by local_dirt
Stop pontificating, you fool. I know when somebody's trying to kill innocents. Stop with the fugking stupidity.
So you lied and are not "done"?

Let us rehash exactly what you posted.

Originally Posted by local_dirt
If you see somebody walk into your local Piggly Wiggly with an AR15 or AK, put one in their cranium immediately. Don't stand there and overthink it. They are not there to get a jar of pickles.

You advocated shooting anyone carrying an AR in a Piggle Wiggly and not "overthinking it."

When many posters here called such actions into question and explain that such actions were likely to get you thrown in prison you backpeddaled and tried to move the goal posts.

Why not just admit you made a dumb post full of false bravado and move on?

John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.