It is not theory it is simple math .452 is larger than .429. Stop cherry picking. Compare apples to apples as Whitworth posted when all is equall, meaning to same percent meplat. 80% meplat of both is a larger diameter in 452 than in 429.

.452 is .023 larger than .429, .476 is . 024 larger than .452, .500 is .024 larger than .476. By your logic the 44 is the same as 45, thus the 45 is the same as 475 and 475 is the same as 500, thus making the 44 equal to the 475 and 500, they are not equal.

Most if not all agree that 338 is larger than a 300 there is even less difference is size between the 2 than than the difference between .452 and . 429.

I got banned on another web site for a debate that happened on this site. That's a first