Originally Posted by jwp475
The reason your 44 out penetrates the 45 is that the 45 bullet were sorter and deformed more. You still refuse to compare like bullets always slanting to the 44 side. I shoot use a 44 regularly.

Refuse ing to answer on your experience by claiming I asked first is ridiculous, I asked the question numerous times and never got an answer..

Let's I've learned that 44 is larger than 45, useing this logins 41 is larger than 44, now. Thankfully I have a 41 also

Utter bullshit. My tests were as identical as I could make them and no, the .45 bullets did not deform. I can post pics of them if you like. The .45's were all CPBC. Unlike you, I was interested in the truth. The real truth and would've accepted whatever it was.

Stop deflecting and answer the question. Or is the answer too inconvenient?