Well I was the number three Hunter on this rip off we did not get the hunt we paid for and were promised. As soon as I realized that we were going to be hunting in the Matetsi Communal areas I knew we had been duped.I shot the only Buff that I saw in the hunting area except for a young Bull we found in a snare which I dispatched. As I had read eleswhere this area is poached out. I would not have left home if mention of this area had been made as a possible hunt location.. On day 4 the owner Tim showed up and took my trackers replaceing them with a Skinner and a guy who had been intro duced to me as the truck watcher when we were in the bush.What do you do when your 15,000 miles from home I tried to make the best of it.A expensive lesson! I doubt if I,ll ever see the stuff I did shoot.