To get everyone a good deal on this trip a lot of corners were cut in costs, including commisions. The idea was to enable everyone to have a great time at a good value and promote the great experiences that Africa has to offer, maybe inspring others to go. Didn't work out that way, obviously. I am still researching and trying to get solutions figured out. My pockets, in this business and on this trip in particular are not very deep. Some of this financial considerations, reductons in hunt fees) could have perhaps been handled in person at the end of the trip before the final payments were made but unfortuantly I could not be there this year and I know it can be difficult to argue financial points on the spot with your hunt operator right then and there at the end of a trip. I wasn't there so will not say what should have happened.

I appreciate Shakari and many others here who are allowing me a little time and space to try to sort out all that I can. Probably Closing up shop and not sending more hunters when I have sent many over the years is, I hope, enough of a negotiating lever to obtain some relief here, though I understand that the time is lost forever and I can do nothing about this. Lost to me may be a lot of investment of time, good will, advertising expenses, DVD production costs and time etc. But that is a risk we sometimes take in business and this thread is not about me. I am still seeking and waiting for Tim Schultz's reply to all of this. I cut and pasted many of the posts here and sent them to him. When he replies I will post his comments here. Lets give him an opprotunity to get back to all of us and hear his side as well as any offers he may or may not make to rectify the situation.

Again, many thanks to those who have spoken with good will regarding my character and hunting abilities and to those who are giving the VERY slow wheels of Africa, Zim in particular, a chance to turn. More to come.

LOVE God, LOVE your family, LOVE your country, LIKE guns and sports.

About 2016 team "R" candidates "We definitely need a crew with a sack of balls the size of hot water bottles, bloviated estrogen leaking feel-gooders need not apply." Gunner 500