
Most of the reasons you have given are good reasons why a trip should be canceled, even at the last minute, by the opperator and a full refund given to the hunter.

Draughts for example do not happen overnight. A dispute between an opperator and a landowner may or may not happen overnight, but they are the absolute responsibility of the opperator and so if a dispute that is irresolvable prior to or during the hunt develops again a full refund is the prper recourse.

Last minute switches should "never" happen, but if they do, it should be only to an equal or better location, and not the opposite and sure as hell not to an area without quota.

Quota is know well in advance, changes infrequently and in Zim there is a provision for optional quota above annual quota within the concessions greater management plan. A Concession holder shouldn't be in the bisiness of SELLING QUOTA HE DOESN'T HAVE!!! In the event of a FU, and they will happen, the only recourse if a full refund to the hunter.

Private landowners are responsible for the management of their wildlife, and cooperate with Parks. Much of the quota setting is at the landowners discretion, he need to use it, to insure that he has both the quota and the game available that he has ALREADY SOLD!!!

I hope Mark is successful is wrangling refund money from an opperator who, from the reports here, seems to be selling what isn't his to sell.