Originally Posted by MM879
Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
Originally Posted by MM879
Maybe if I read it to you, you might understand. Phase 3 is an efficacy test.
Maybe you should learn to use your brain. Phase 3 is the last trial before FDA approval, and this shot does not have FDA approval. You keep spinning the truth here, OK you're lying.

Originally Posted by MM879
Just watch the TV for 15 minutes. You will see and advertisement for a cancer immunization based on similar processes, different targets, different results. There are multiple vaccines FDA approved from similar development processes. The completed process is what allowed pharma to develop a custom vaccine so fast. This is not new to them.

You're clueless.

1 - This isn't a vaccine, so you're lying there. Even the manufs admit it doesn't keep you from becoming infected with the virus. You clowns in the medical industry keep chirping vaccine to brainwash the public into thinking it is safe, because you are branding it as such, a vaccine. Repeat the lie until it becomes truth. That makes you a criminal for pushing a fraudulent statement.
2 - this isn't about cancer, so you put out a strawman argument.
3 - They didn't develop squat. They developed a marketing campaign based on fear and lies, and relying on clowns like you to spread it. You're such a big azzhat clown you refuse to acknowledge it is a phase 3 trial, when doctors everywhere have acknowledged this fact.

All of the vaccines are FDA approved under the EUA procedure.

Everything you posted is invalid and illegal, being the EUA's are all illegal, which makes the shots illegal.

The fact you are clueless with the law concerning this matter here proves you are an amateur.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)