Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
COVID ‘vaccines’ risk “sterilising an entire generation of children”, as well as creating a “pandemic we cannot reign in” and “must be halted immediately”.


That was the chilling message to ‘The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’ (CDC) by a doctor with more than 30 years of scientific experience in toxicology and mechanistic biology.

Dr Janci Chunn Lindsay, who holds a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Texas, believes the current batch of ‘vaccines’ – distributed only under Emergency Use Authorisation – are “gene therapy” and must be stopped due to safety concerns – believing they are actually “making the pandemic worse.

In worrying developments worldwide, Governments are now increasing the pressure on parents to have their children ‘vaccinated’, despite kids being at virtually no risk of death from Covid-19.

This guy doesn't understand that it's all intentional. They wanted a massive dying off in the developed world in order to institute their Great Reset, which is a transition to worldwide despotism ruled over by a tiny elite. But it's for the good of humanity, don't you know.