If it actually was not a vaccine, Numerous Drs would not be reporting that practically no vaccinated patients are becoming sick with Covid.

If the injection effectively prevents an infection, it is by definition a vaccine.

The Pfizer and Moderna injections have successfully proven over the last couple months that they do prevent infections in 95% of recipients. They have absolutely proven themselves to be effective vaccines.

No, we do not know yet how long that protection will last.
Yes, we will most likely need annual boosters. (many vaccines require boosters)
We do not even know yet, how long immunity imparted by infection and recovery will last.
The damned virus has only been rampant in the US for a little over a year. And the Vax has only been widely available for a little more than three months.
There's lots we do not yet know.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.