Originally Posted by DocRocket
Originally Posted by JoeBob
]So, vaccinated immunity is better than naturally acquired immunity?

Don't be disingenuous.

Originally Posted by JoeBob

And the vaccines provide immunity not only from symptoms but limit the spread? I’ve not seen that. Mostly they are saying that vaccinated individuals can still acquire Covid and spread it.

I'm not sure who "they" are, but if you say "they" are saying that, they sound pretty poorly informed. The literature is pretty clear that infections can occur in vaccinated persons, but at a significantly lower rate. The severity of illness infected persons with acute disease is much lower than in non-vaccinated control groups, and hospitalizations are very much reduced.

The assertion that asymptomatic persons can infect others has been made and repeated many times over the past year, mostly by politicians and politically motivated docs like Fauci and Brix, but there is little (in my view zero) reliable evidence of this in the literature and the preponderance of evidence argues strongly against it being anything but a rare anomaly.

So, once again, is vaccinated immunity superior to natural immunity?

And, I see that your answer is “yes” that one can still get and pass Covid after being vaccinated.

Here is what I will tell you. I have not worn a mask in any store or public situation in a year. I never wore one. I have not instituted any other Covid precautions either. I have continued my normal activities and don’t wash my hands any more than normal or anything else. In that year my wife had it, my father had it, my best friends had it, my sister had it, her husband had it, her husband’s 92 year old father had it, and numerous others. I spent six hours unmasked in a vehicle with someone who had it. I have not so much as run a slight fever or had a sniffle in that time. None of those people, including my 83 year old dad and the 92 year old had to be hospitalized. The 92 year old wouldn’t even have known he was sick except that his wife got it and he was tested.

So, forgive me if I don’t feel the need to be vaccinated about something as insignificant as this condition appears to be.

Last edited by JoeBob; 05/03/21.