Originally Posted by DocRocket
MM879, I tried to warn ya about engaging with this loon... sheesh.

What you are trying to engage with here is a very unhappy and quite possibly psychiatrically ill person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence. Such persons abound. In an actual community of real people with real, face-to-face interactions, these people are brought up fairly sharply for their antisocial behavior, and they either learn to behave more politely or they are shunned. In the context of this forum, the individual is able to spew his vitriol all over the place without negative consequence to himself, so there is no hope of ending his foul behavior.

The purpose of verbal discourse on a topic such as, oh, say, the current offerings of SARS-CoV2 immunizations, is normally to share information among the participants, and thereby to enlighten everyone to the same degree. If specific points of information are in dispute, the pros and cons of those points and the supporting information is discussed and more often than not these points of contention end up being "let's agree to disagree" until further evidence comes forward from the research community. Eventually, consensus on one or more major points is achieved, and everyone leaves the conversation more informed than they arrived.

This elkslayer91 person is not interested in discussing matters in this manner. His/her purpose is to browbeat, to insult, to attack ad hominem, and to declare himselfherself the "victor" in a contest that exists solely in his/her own mind. Here are some examples of this person's deranged thought processes that I picked up just from this single post:

Originally Posted by elkslayer91
This isn't a vaccine, so you're lying there. Even the manufs admit it doesn't keep you from becoming infected with the virus.

Here we see an example of this person's remarkable thinking. S/he claims a definition of "vaccine" that is uniquely his own (it must prevent infection), and not surprisingly, it is a simplistic definition that no actual immunologist would ever use, but which suits his black-or-white-only thought process.

A quick look at an immunology or virology text book will tell you that a vaccine is a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease. This is a far more broad, yet more specific definition than the silly definition elkslayer insists on.

And here's the point: you can't have an argument with someone who won't follow the rules of logical discourse, the first of which is to accept common definitions of terms.

If s/he won't agree on basic definitions of terms, how can you "prove" anything to him/her? Since s/he is not willing to even start the discussion from an agreed starting point, there is no possibility of "proving" any point to him/her that s/he has not already arrived at.

Originally Posted by elkslayer91

You clowns in the medical industry keep chirping vaccine to brainwash the public

Ah, yes... here s/he uses a derogatory term in an attempt to diminish his adversary (which is apparently you and me and others with expertise in the biomedical STEM fields) in order to maintain his/her moral high ground.

Yes, it's grade-school tactics, but hey, s/he thinks it works, so s/he'll keep on doing it.

Originally Posted by elkslayer91
Repeat the lie until it becomes truth. That makes you a criminal for pushing a fraudulent statement.

Now s/he is giving us the benefit of his/her legal training and expertise, advising us that we have transgressed the criminal code and are subject to the penalties thereof. The ego of this individual is truly grandiose. I note that s/he accused you (or maybe me, or someone else, I can't remember as I was just skimming) of gaslighting, which is of course a classic accusation of the person who is in fact actively gaslighting others. S/he thinks we are too stupid to see that s/he is doing it himself/herself.

MM879, I will not attempt to dissuade you further from engaging with this unfortunate person, as you have already done so and you're clearly committed to the task, but please do be aware of the tactics s/he uses and try to counter them as you formulate your responses. Good luck.

For close to one year, I loaded this thread of mine with scientifically proven irrefutable evidence proving these shots are deadly, and a complete failure. All you proved is that you are a mentally deranged pathological lying cyber stalker, along with the other mentally deranged pathological lying cyber stalkers, and none of you had any evidence whatsoever to support your lies.

Unfortunately the nightmare has come true as to how devastating the total death toll will be across the globe.

I wish I was wrong, but news just came out I am right, unfortunately.

1:2,300 - One(1) Death per 2,300 doses given from the shots.

We are looking at matching the total death level across the world of Chairman Mao.

This does not even include long-term death rates which takes time for those numbers to develop, 4-5+ years, from autoimmune diseases that create cancers and other diseases.

This will be economically devastating as businesses will be difficult to stay open due to no available employees.


Interview with a mortician describing the weird blood clots they have never seen before.

EXCLUSIVE: Embalmer reveals 93% of cases died from the vaccine
Anna Foster is an embalmer with 11 years of experience in Carrollton, MO. In this exclusive interview, she reveals that 93% of her last 30 cases died due to clots from the COVID vaccine.

Anna Foster is an embalmer with 11 years of experience in Carrollton, MO. She speaks out for the first time in this exclusive interview:


"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)