Originally Posted by rte
The results of studies release by the Salk institute on 4/30/2021 indicate that the spike protein alone causes serious damage to the human cardio vascular system.

Since the mRNA vaccines by Moderna & Pfizer cause the human body to manufacture spike proteins,it would seem that a rational person would avoid taking the jab,which could possibly produce enough spike proteins to destroy your cardio-vascular system.

Yeah, I posted that a few pages back on 5-1-2021:


Also, that Salk.edu article is “peer reviewed” yet these clowns attempt to discredit it. Just shows how mentally sick these cyber stalkers are.

I posted three articles that “proved” the S1 Protein (spike protein) by itself is pathogenic, and this is exactly why they have attempted to trash this thread with their lies, because this is solid proof they are deadly, and people having strokes, heart attacks, paralysis, et al., is irrefutable evidence.

The shot is 100 times more deadly than the disease, yet these mentally deranged cyberstalking clowns spew their lying Russian Pravda propaganda of the complete opposite. Straight up communist tactics, repeat the lie until it becomes truth.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)