Everything I told you people in this thread months ago, which I backed up with hard scientific facts, is coming true unfortunately.

I stated you don't use a non-sterilizing shot when a virus you are attempting to suppress is active within a population, because it will create mutations which EVADE the shots (DELTA STRAIN). They almost made that mistake with the Polio vaccine, but they proved it will happen with the Covid-19 DEATHJAB.

I told you about ADE, and now it is happening.

Dr. Cole with more hard scientific proof from autopsies, from dead people who took the shots, to show how the SPIKE PROTEIN (This is what the shot creates, a DEADLY PATHOGENIC PROTEIN) damages the organs in the body, including your vascular system.


"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)