Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd
Screaming, vitriolic, name-calling, angry, and bitter. 2 or 3 am rants. No interest in discussion.

Differential: thirty-something y/o Marxist women, recently jilted by her female companion professional who works in a lab for Moderna.

Hey Boy George, I noticed you couldn’t refute any of the scientific evidence I produced above, nor could DocRocket, so, being you couldn’t, and you decided to relegate yourself to troll status in this thread, I was just curious, does this make you a fool for not knowing anything about the deadly shots or does it make you a fool for having advised people to take the deadly Covid-19 shots, thus making you foolishly embarrassed now, and why you hate this thread, and me, for exposing the Genocide being conducted by the Criminal Medical-Industrial Complex across the global world, and proving it with hard scientific proof, which I plan to continue with?

How’s that for a run on sentence? Pretty smart, aye, you troll?

You said, ”No interest in discussion”. You’re a LYING TROLL, when I have loaded this thread with factual scientific evidence. You, sir, are a mental midget.

Don’t me ashamed you’re a dumbazz, and can’t refute the solid scientific evidence I am producing, mr. (Boy George) doctor, of the Medical-Industrial Complex committing Genocide, Worldwide.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)