Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter

Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
The shot is 100 times more deadly than the disease, yet these mentally deranged cyberstalking clowns spew their lying Russian Pravda propaganda of the complete opposite. Straight up communist tactics, repeat the lie until it becomes truth.

Would you deny the vaccine to the population, knowing the actual truth is: the virus kills 100 times as many people as the vaccine.

Like i said, these mentally deranged cyber stalkers repeat the lie until the lie becomes truth. They steadily chirp the lie.
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Over 1/4 BILLION shots delivered to Americans. A bit over 3500 fatalities.

Here they try to be crafty by using an apples to oranges comparison, and even emphasize it with the word "billion" to distract you from the truth.

They compare "total" number of "shots"(234MIL) a single person receives (Apples) to total number of "single" deaths (Oranges).

It should be a comparison of the total number of "single persons" receiving the shot(100MIL) vs. total number of "single" deaths. The reason they falsify this number is because it cuts the real number percentage in half, even though that number still proves the shot is multiple times deadly.

Wrong way to figure:(Apples vs. Oranges)"
3305 (Single Deaths) / 234MIL (Total shots) = .000014 percentage

Right way to figure: (Apples vs. Apples)
3305 (Single Deaths) / 100MIL (Total Single Persons receiving shots) = .000033 percentage

See how .000033 is over half over and above the percentage from their falsified .000014?

97% of total vaccine shot deaths, from "ALL" vaccine shots, in the first 4 months of 2021 is from Covid-19 shots, and those numbers come directly from the government's "OWN" numbers at VAERS.

Hey, dumb ass, you have still failed to meet the challenge. Answer the fugging question!

Make note of how MANY times I have used that .0033% number in this thread.
[ETA:Yes you did drop one or two decimal points here and there, but who's counting]

And that compares how, to .3% survival rate among Covid patients across all demographics.

So go ahead, explain exactly how the shot is 100 times deadlier than the disease. Tell us where the bodies went. Tell us exactly how these people died.

I mean, as long as you are just making schitt up as you go along. It ought to be easy to make something up about that.

I went into this thread convinced you were just a disillusioned fool.

The reality has become glaringly obvious. You are far worse. You are a damned liar. Stand and stomp your feet and cry that you are abused while you fervently pray your acolytes not abandon you.

Your all encompassing pride will not let you admit the truth, even when you have been slapped alongside the head with it.

When Doctors working with Covid patients for the last year come right here and explain the truth to you. You obviously are bright enough to read and write. There is no way you can be so obtuse as to not understand the facts as they have been so painstakingly explained to you. It has to be a conscious choice.

Even when you quote the very numbers in your own posts, you claim they mean the opposite of truth.

Oh, by the way, just how do you come up 100,000,000 people exposed to the vaccine?

With 250,000,000 doses delivered and 107,000,000 fully vaccinated. It looks like another 30 to 40 million can be added to that 100,000,000 number of people exposed to vaccine.

Ah, but hell, what's 30 or 40 million when one is just spreading lies anyway?⁷

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.