Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter

Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
The shot is 100 times more deadly than the disease, yet these mentally deranged cyberstalking clowns spew their lying Russian Pravda propaganda of the complete opposite. Straight up communist tactics, repeat the lie until it becomes truth.

Would you deny the vaccine to the population, knowing the actual truth is: the virus kills 100 times as many people as the vaccine.

Like i said, these mentally deranged cyber stalkers repeat the lie until the lie becomes truth. They steadily chirp the lie.
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Over 1/4 BILLION shots delivered to Americans. A bit over 3500 fatalities.

Here they try to be crafty by using an apples to oranges comparison, and even emphasize it with the word "billion" to distract you from the truth.

They compare "total" number of "shots"(234MIL) a single person receives (Apples) to total number of "single" deaths (Oranges).

It should be a comparison of the total number of "single persons" receiving the shot(100MIL) vs. total number of "single" deaths. The reason they falsify this number is because it cuts the real number percentage in half, even though that number still proves the shot is multiple times deadly.

Wrong way to figure:(Apples vs. Oranges)"
3305 (Single Deaths) / 234MIL (Total shots) = .0014%

Right way to figure: (Apples vs. Apples)
3305 (Single Deaths) / 100MIL (Total Single Persons receiving shots) = .0033%

See how .0033% is over half over and above the percentage from their falsified .0014%?

97% of total vaccine shot deaths, from "ALL" vaccine shots, in the first 4 months of 2021 is from Covid-19 shots, and those numbers come directly from the government's "OWN" numbers at VAERS.

I am not checking your numbers because I mostly skim over your posts. I read your first few posts on this site however. You are in "the know" on the whole scamdemic and that's good enough for me. Fucgking cold and flu is all it was. Corona viruses have been around since Ingwe.


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