Oh my...Do Nothing Kchuntfest 2015 is on an EPIC roll,as a coupla you gals came real CLOSE to doin' sumptin' today. Laughing!


It's well within The Drooling Dumbfhuqk Rules,to double-dip. The ONLY fhuqking thing you can "contribute",is in fact STUPIDITY. Hint.

Been a coupla minutes since I've seen a Lever Gun...and it's funnier than fhuqk.

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You were gawddamned nearly brazen enough to say sumptin' about The Rifle and The Outdoors.




I enjoy your high-pitched nasal Whine,as you wax eloquent upon your countless insecurities and how very WELL they are founded.

Bless your heart.

What didja' ALMOST "do" today?!? Laughing!

I heard drags scream.

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Enjoyed a pard forgetting his Wading boots and making do.

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And FINALLY fhuqking failed my USIA waders. Nothin' thatta shot of '5200 and Gorilla Tape won't resolve...forever. Google it. Laughing!

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Smells like Cast & Blast in the AM. Google it.

At least you can afford to read about it.



Why do you Do Nothing Dumbfhuqks default to cramming things in your mouths and asses?

Bless your heart.


Imitation is THE most Sincere form of Flattery...and Imagination and Pretend are priced within your "means".

You VERY "fortunate" kchunt!.............

TBS(The Bitchy Sniveler),

PLEASE find me "mistaken",as I assure you it will be funnierthan fhuqk.

My fingers are crossed in your good "fortune",of being the first Do Nothing Dumbfhuqk to Whine herself "happy".

Don't let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt.




If ONLY you could afford a Montucky,a 6x MQ or an Illuminati,let alone 6x45 brass...or a camera. You Minimum Wage "hard chargers" are a fhuqking hoot!

Be sure to continue to set on the sidelines riding the pine and shaking your pom-poms. The one thing CERTAIN about you,is that when it's all said and done...there's going to have been a fhuqk of a LOT more said,than done.


Bless your heart..................


Some day,you'll be able to afford a scope.

Here's wishing you nothing but great luck,in Hunting empty pop cans...so you can FINALLY attain that very Dream.



Never been tough to cypher who shoots and who don't.

Mean to go swipin' the gals Imagination and Pretend...if only because it's all they've got...................


All "new" to me.

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Add Reserve RPM and let COAL "constraints" go in the Zulu Kilbourn.

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GOOD talk.



I'm fairly comfy in the "odds" of having suffered a piece of fhuqking schit Reupold 4x. Hell...prolly even a 6x36,the herd of compacts and the steaming POS 2-7x. I just may have "some" glass.(grin)

That'd be what we in da' bidness call a "GROSS understatement". Hint.

None of them hold a zero for fhuqk,upon sumptin' that actually sees use and trigger time,conjoined with justa touch of weather. Been through it ALL and then some.

600+ rds through the 270/105/6x MQ melding and everybody wants one.

'Course side by each extrapolations in the flesh,ain't very fhuqking "fair" to either Imagination or Pretend...as Reality reliably collides with Fantasy.


Easy for me to say...mainly because I ain't guessin' and have all the T-shirts................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."