Originally Posted by Big Stick

Loaning Loaners out ain't a function of loot,it's a function of logistics and immediate R&D Findings. Funnier than fhuqk,that them facts reliably sail over your pointy head,crossed-eyes and droolin' yap. I'm sure you and The Minimum Wage Gang really have the wares! Laughing!

If someone is musing a new to them build blueprint,particular boolit,twist rate or much of anything else geared towards the Outdoors,it don't take but a second to pass same along to 'em and let 'em see WTF in the flesh. Not everyone has to read about things and look at other's pictures. Bless your heart. Laughing!

There's much to be said for side by each extrapolations and the approach tends to bolster bidness and nobody is better for the economy than I. Hint.

At least Imagination and Pretend are priced within your means,so you can "contribute" too. Congratulations?!?



My Favoritest day pack of All Time,currently stanks like feesh. It has killed more schit than the Bubonic Plague.


[Linked Image]

Never have seen a Kimber. I should Post a Video on how to break on in.



If ONLY you could afford a Montucky or a Fixed Fhuqker. Laughing!

You Do Nothing Dumbfhuqks really know your "stuff",as it takes someone who "does" as "much" as you,to confuse MOA with mils. The 270/105 melding is steered with Mils and there's better than 51 in the system. Google it. Hint.

Now should you be enthralled with MOA,I just might gun some glass with erectors in them increments. Hint.

No thang to shim ala eccentrics,fore and aft. Hint.

[Linked Image]

Then stab height in the rear base,to maximize erector travel. .050" there in conjunction,don't hurt the equation. Hint.

[Linked Image]

Shake it(do NOT stir) and you'll prolly have126.5 MOA remaining on a 75A-Max smooch which is schleppin' along at 3150fps from a 21" 1-7" Mike Rock spouted 223AI. Google it. Laughing!

[Linked Image]

That ain't much over 1900yds on the erector...but then there is of course them 5 Mils etched on the windshield. 10 Mils ala MQ would be cheatin'!


GOOD talk.



I suffered Shilen twice on purpose,once Centerfire and the other Rimfire...then have suffered 'em on accident upon multiple Used Centerfire Rifles. Never have lauded 'em and prolly never will,if only because I've got 'em. Hint.

Facts are facts,despite you and your ilk being devoid the savvy,to ascertain same. You be sure to chime in,after you are done savin' up fior your BIG Scope Purchase,that's never gonna fhuqking happen.

Bless your heart.



Nod your head like you know what a Mk4 M3 6x is and note the famous pack.

[Linked Image]

Then say sumptin' about the hilarity of the issued BDC's and the wrong wayzee turret. Pass MOA and shut the fhuqk up. Hint.

[Linked Image]



There ain't nothin' to "argue",in regards to facts. You are talking out your ass,mainly due the FACT that you are an utterly Clueless Fhuqk and I Double Dog Dare you to find me "mistaken". Hint. Laughing.

I'll feign my "surprise",that the best you can do is get horned up and Whine while setting on your kchunt and conjure vivid Day Dreams that you just might some day get to step where I mighta' been. Kudos on relatin' them heart warming sweet "satisfactions",that fuel your Do Nothing Delusions. Laughing!

Never heard of a 7-08 or A-Max,until you cited same. Laughing!

Do they kick?!?

Wow +P++!...................

Looking at that photo of you, you have no business saying anything about crossed drooling phuqs, your momma and daddy HAD to be brother and sister

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell