Sugar tits your are so phuqcking fulla schit, it almost ain't funny. In these daily occurrences did you happen to take pics of your epic failures? Pardon me being afforded the luxury of not being forced to take you word for it. LMAO

Didja almost hang a pic of you almost doing something at 2k? Oh my, you stupid phuqck you almost did didn't ya, I knew you ALMOST had it in ya.

You're gettin a late start today, what was it BV or R&R last night? One of these days I might be able to afford a half gallon of that, or even an 18 pack of Busch Light.

[Linked Image]

Oh you are rollin in it ain't ya titty boy, whats it like being blessed with the ability to produce your own cream for your morning coffee, Laughin...

Thanks again for going waaaaaay outta your phuqcking way to avoid the camera yet again, you fat phuqck.

Good Talk.