Sugar tits exactly how high are your estrogen levels? With the frequency of you tantrums and the size of your bitch tits I'd say ifn you pissed on a stick it would phuqcking +P.

Again I feign surprise that you went outta your way to avoid how full of phuqcking schit you are. Being so phuqcking happy that your goat phuqcked bases and good value scope can get you waaaaay phuqcking beyond your ability is priceless. If you do ever manage to pry your chunt offa the couch and attempt your 2k please please post results of same as it will bring epic phuqcking humor to the conversation for starters. And don't forget the 6x or the rangefinder that can't get there. LMFAO

Oh you fat phuqcks are a hoot.

As always good talk!