Originally Posted by GunGeek
Originally Posted by DINK
Originally Posted by GunGeek
I just find it strange how I never encounter all these bad 1911's. Now perhaps it's because I don't shoot 2,000 rounds per day for 5-10 days straight or something. But with normal numbers put through my guns, I have had ZERO problems. I only have two 1911's at current, one for 13 years, and one for 5 years now. Both get shot on a regular basis, and I haven't cleared a single malfunction out of either pistol. And all my friends who I go shooting with that have 1911's, none of them are having any problems.

There are a lot of great pistols out there, many better than the 1911, but the 1911 is typically a good pistol when built right.

All the Rugers I have played with have been very well made, and every one of them have worked.

Didn't you have one blow a extractor?

BLOW an extractor? That's rather dramatic...

I broke a firing pin. It was a Wilson Bulletproof firing pin, the best money can buy, and it happened after about 4k rounds, which is all but unheard of with a Wilson Bulletproof...clearly there was a metallurgical flaw in the part; that can happen to any gun.

It was the only failure to fire in 11 years and 11k rounds...the only one. That was about 1.5 years ago, the pistol has had just shy of 2k more rounds since that happened. No jams, no failures of any kind...that's pretty good, wouldn't you say?

So your zero problems really are not zero. Funny about that selective memory.

I think I would remember a gun being in operable as a problem.