Originally Posted by gitem_12
Originally Posted by Gibby
Originally Posted by gitem_12
Originally Posted by Gibby
Comparatively speaking

They sure do. Not even close.

For defense, no big deal. But in all other respects. They suck.

Their safeties are in the wrong place also.

You're wrong, again.

If you can't accurately shoot a glock. The fault lies in you, not the uquipment.

The adage of...the gun doesn't fit me, or the trigger is terrible are simply scape goats and excuses for the shooters own failings

Match quality single action trigger. Spend some quality time with one, then make a comment. If you say you have and still like the Glock trigger better, you have an agenda. Simple as that.

Liking one over another is different than what you said.

You said "they suck"

They don't suck, and glcok triggers are not bad. Of course they are not as FL refined as a match grade, tuned trigger.

Doesn't mean that they are bad, or sucky triggers.

Glock triggers are good for what they do. The safety on the trigger is fragile.

The word suck came from the same sense of humor as getting my wife a wheelbarrow for our 25th anniversary. It was a good one though. That was 11 years ago.

For center mass type of shooting fine. But not for me.

My first handguns were K22 Masterpieces, K38's ,Model 41's, 52's and National Matches. My style of shooting is different than yours. I aim small, but capable of shooting fast.

I never thought it necessary to digress to a trigger that causes a snap in your finger and muscles and tendons in your hand. Displacing fat in your hands. That does not work in precision shooting. Find for other types of shooting.

Just trying to compare the two.

Gun Shows are almost as comical as boat ramps in the Spring.