Originally Posted by TreeMutt
1911, it's 100 plus years old!...you would think that after all that time there WOULD be better pistol designs, but some say no. You know cars have come a long way since the Model-T.

BUT there a lot of folks that contend there is no better (1911, not Model-T)...... For me, it is the easiest handgun to shoot accurately and feels right in the hand, balances well.

The only slight negative is that it's a little heavy although this helps with control.
The basics of semi-auto handgun design really haven't advanced that much since John Browning's ingenious innovations (e.g., the tilting barrel, locked breech, design). Far superior to the toggle action and direct blow back actions that were the standard before his time (striker fired actions aren't new, as even the old Luger P08 was striker fired). Not a lot, other than materials and manufacturing techniques, has advanced since then. The Glock still uses the tilting barrel/locked breech designed by John Browning. Yet look how cars have advanced, as you say, since the Model T.