
I've never not been me and there are countless wannabe's who've spent alotta time/effort in trying emulate me...which is never not funnier than fhuqk. More than a few is on this thread alone. Hint.

Only fair to grant folks oportunity,to shoot for the stars in sucha fashion.

Bless their hearts.



As I cited plainly,NOBODY can "make" you look like a bigger DUMB Fhuqk than you simply doing your "best". Congratulations?!?

Good luck on being the first CLUELESS Fhuqk,to TRY and Whine herself to her first clue.

It only come as a "surprise" to you,that I'm quite a little bit better in person. I'm at ease in speaking matter of factly,simply because facts fhuqking the astute. You Whining CLUELESS Fhuqks are always gonna find a "reason" to Whine and then poke your heads in the sand...then go FULL Fhuqking Retard with Imaginary Pretend Ignore. FUNNY schit!

Bless your heart.



I'll yet again feign my GREAT "surprise",that you are unable to cite ANYONE that "does" or "knows" less than you. Congratulations?!?

At least Imagination and Pretend are priced within your "means",so you can "afford" to "contribute" "lucky" kchunt.

Ain't it a not so "curious" constant,that besides beings a CLUELESS Kchunt,you are also a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit?!? You musta "forgot" about your Imaginary Pretend Ignore...yet again. Laughing!

Bless your heart.



I can ONLY make sense,to those who have sense. Whining Clueless Kchunts will ALWAYS find reason(s) to Whine,but for some reason,go wayyyyyyyyy the fhuqk outta their way to skirt Facts and to fixate their Fluff instead.

I'm rather at ease in leading folks to water...but admittedly getta kick outta them refraining the badly needed hydration.(grin)

Bless their hearts.



In 1000 lifetmes of TRYING,you'd never scratch the surface on the miles,hours,days,months and years I've spent Outdoors. Not that I don't getta kick outta your Haybale & Crocket Flatlanding "adventures". Congratulations?!?

Now ain't it a right proper Dichotomy,that the very things you DREAM daily about and cain't begin to connect a dot upon,don't even make my list of interests? Read that again. Now one more time. Laughing!

Perhaps wax a touch more eloquent upon the Sweet "Satisfactions" of spending a "Life" "living" vicariously and never being able to scratch the surface upon your Whinining Pursuits Of Interest. Bitchin' Vagina Monologue on how your "means","abilities" and "comprehension" have precluded you by default,from doing what others of interest knock out of the Park perpetually. FUNNY schit! Not much to say to a Whining CLUELESS Kchunt who's ALL hat and no Ranch,then laments the hilarity of her Realities. You go girl!

Your Safe Queen "exploits" are fhuqking HILARIOUS! You couldn't knock the "new" offa used pair of fhuqking points,you Prissy Princess.

Bless your heart.



It's your Imagination,Pretend with it as you MUST. Hint. Congratulations?!?

I'll feign my GREAT "surprise",that you shut right the fhuqk up with any/all things germane and went right to a Window Licking Hissy Fit instead. You Do NOTHING Dumbfhuqks are a HOOT!

Don't let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt.


Bless your heart.



Reality reliably collides with your Fantasy and ain'tcha' a "lucky" that Facts are of zero concern to your Fluff? Congratulations?!?

As great as I am...not even I can use wares until they exist. Do not let the poignant profundity of that,dispel the Delusions of your Imagination and it's Pretend. Hint. Laughing!

PLEASE find me "mistaken"...I assure you that your feeble attempt,will be funnier than fhuqk. HINT.

Just saying.

Bless your heart.



Dangle ONE picture of a post-adolescent Critter,that your version of "results" garnered,via your "prowess" and thorough "understanding" of The Rifle. Congratulations?!? LAUGHING!

Your Dumb Fhuqk rollcage to "protect" a $.99 plastic bubble,is fhuqking hilarious!

Pardon my having broken more LW's,than your scattered brain could begin to fhuqking fathom. Hint.


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But actual USE,is a factoid farrrrrrrrr different than your FLUFF. Hint.


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More than a few different platforms of course. Round count do funny things. I've shot out more barrels,than you've opened bullet boxes by yourself,in your "Life". Hint.


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You be sure to "tell" me more and keep on flaunting your version of "results"...if only because it do not get any fhuqking FUNNIER,than you doing your "best". Hint.

Bless your heart.



It only took her (4) fhuqking tries and it's REALLY gonna up her "game"!

I'm fhuqking cryin'....I'm laughing soooooooooo fhuqking hard!!!

Wow +P++!

Bless her heart.



Ain't it a fhuqking hoot,that the CLOSEST you will ever come,is to read my every word and eyefhuqk my every pixel. You "lucky" kchunt! Congratulations?!?

Don't "forget" to tell yourself,that you "could too",as you "Live" vicariously.

The Haybale & Crockett Crowd,never fhuqking disappoint in their oblivious corroboration of their incredible fhuqking STUPIDITY.

Bless your heart.



I've never seen or shot a 257Wby.

Pass the Kreedmire Montucky.



Facts never ain't not practical,despite the fact,that your pointy head precludes dots bein' connected by default. Congratulations?!? Pun be intended. Hint.

I've never even heard of '335. What is it's application? "Tell" me "more". Laughing!

Now as to glass,I cain't comment in the firsthand upon much more than mebbe 100 Fixed Fhuqkers. I know of noone that's puked one,but more than a few folks have tried and I doubt I've much more than 200,000rds through 'em. I'm sandbagging. Hint.

It'll come as a "surprise" ONLY to someone who "does" as "much" as you,that Fixed Fhuqkers have really stolen THE Fhuqking Show,with their incredible rugged reliability. All parties are dumping Reupolds(especially the newest generations,which are THE schittiest) and fielding Fixed Fhuqker attributes. For some not so fhuqking strange reason,the rEupold Puke Count goes lowr every year and that due the fact that less Reupolds are being entrusted upon Hunts. Hint. Read that again. Now one more time. Re-hint.

As to stalwart rugged reliability,Fixed Fhuqkers connect more dots than anything else. That due the fhuqking FACT that their erector travel cannot be touched,nor their windshield,rear parallax is discreet and a great aid,with their modest weight/length sealing that deal. You'll wanna read that again,now one more fhuqking time. Hint.

The "trevails" of your "trying" My Little Pony "pursuits" is absolutely fhuqking HILARIOUS and it'd take someone as "steeped" as you,to be so very fhuqking reliably STUMPED. Hint.

The only thing you "shoot" is your mouth and Imagination. It is an unfortunate constant,that you are devoid an inkling of your stellar DUMBfhuqktitude and it's incredible magnitude.

Here's to the perpetual hilarity,of you doing your "best".

Bless your heart.



It's never been tough to cypher who shoots and who don't.(grin)

I've never put a scratch on anything.



If there was something better,I'd simply use it.

That fact,tends to REALLY fhuqk with Window Licker's heads.

Bless their hearts.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."