
I missed it where,anyone has ever "accused" you of doing anything NEARING a "bunch" of shooting...ever. Hint. Congratulations?!?

It is an intellesting constant,that the less one "does",the "better" schit rigging is. Few things tax the integrity of a platform,as much as fenced pursuits and sunshine. Give or fhuqking take. Hint. Laughing!

It is a common misconception of the Clueless and especially Texans,that correlating POA/POI intersections requires either "dialing or dallying",if only because the actuality is the very antithesis of such "thinking". Hint.

Facts and Physics ain't for everyone and very fhuqking few have an inkling in regards to anything The Rifle...but they sure "think" they do,which is why this schit is ALWAYS funnier than fhuqk. Hint.

Ping Pong Balls,schit mounting systems,schit glass,Living handles,CM spouts and barrel slings,are indeed fhuqking hilarious and that's alotta schit stacked atop more schit. Haybale & Crockett Safe Queen Riggin',never ain't not fhuqking hilarious. Hint.

I enjoy what an AMAZINGLY sloooowwwwwwwwwww "learner" you are,almost as much as the hilarity of your Petting Zoo "Adventures". Almost. Laughing!

It is very easy to field a stalwart Utilitarian platform,that'll do it all and then some. Connecting dots is a simplistic matter and I enjoy how it reliably escapes so many folks,who are enthralled with trying to "convince" themselves,that they have a fhuqking clue.

Much to be said for a boolitproof parcel,that'll fend all weathers,balance/tote exceptionally,drive exceptional boolits with a magfed Smooch,is forgiving in how it is shot(bedding/rigid stock) and aimed with an exceptional mounting system and glass designed to do what scopes do and that is to simply steer boolits. The wayyyyyy over X'd Faction is funnier than fhuqk too. Hint.

Boolits matter farrrrrrrr more than headstamps and that opening constants stumps more than most,as you eloquently attest. There is much to be said for a good zero,with a good boolit and the lightning fast Precision of a glass engineered to steer boolits. Yes,I know that is all over your head and that of course,is the only fhuqking reason them Facts are funny. Hint. Laughing!

One of many reasons,why it is funnier than fhuqk to me,to give others the first shot and/or the first cast. Also funnier than fhuqk,to grant 'em opportunity,to "justify" their STUPIDITY and "explain" a Goat Fhuqked platform. You know...the schit you TRY to "do". Hint. Laughing!

If you were to ever see a sound platform,gunning great boolits,via great glass...you'd be hitting DELETE at warp fhuqking nine. Or at least should be. Hint.

Never been tough to cypher,who shoots and who don't.

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."