I stay away from these poo fling'n parties, defending neither the western Washington queer fest nor 'Stick, but I do find it ironic that so many folks here "draw the line" when family gets involved....and jump all over whoever it is that brings Stick's kids and wife into the picture...yet nobody has ever commented on this particular quote from a previous Stick/Fred/Judman bitch fight a few weeks ago:

Originally Posted by Big Stick


Holy Jeezus FHUQK...who in THE fhuqk placed a Yeti in "your" garage? That bitch is big enough to burn diesel and schit Pecker Poles...you "lucky" kchunt. NO "wonder" your Cock Fixations are soooooooooooooo deeply rooted. Pun be intended. Laughing!

I don't GAF either way......there are no "lines" with me....you can call my mom a slut all you want without me caring, but would like to point the above out again.