
No need to perpetually reiterate your Cluelessness,nor the fact that you are a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit. Congratulations?!?

Didja "forget" about your Imaginary Pretend Ignore,yet again? Ooopsie! Laughing!

You Do NOTHING Dumb Fhuqks,are a hoot! Here's to the hilarity,of you doing your best.

Bless your heart.



If only as per always,you be sure to cite all the words that are "too big" or "too Technical",for your Amazing STUPIDITY to keep pace with and I'll shorten 'em,so even someone as fhuqking STUPID as you...can follow along. STUPIDITY is no "act" for you...you "lucky" kchunt. Congratulatons?!?

Don't "forget" to read my every word and gawk my every splendid pixel,as you try to convince yourself,that you "could too"...as you "live" vicariously.

It don't get any fhuqking funnier,than an Opiate Addled Candy Striper nippin' heels. Imitation is THE most Sincere form of Flattery. Hint. Laughing!

Bless your heart.



I've heard of a Montucky too and it seems like they'd be a nice way to fly. Perhaps Kchuntis and Shefire could regale you with more Delusions,fueled by their NEED of Imagination and Pretend. 'Course they'd haveta' to pool resources,in order to make a down payment on one and then they'd be stumped on what to "do" with it. Window Lickers are a fhuqking hoot!

As per always,bullets matter more than headstamps and the faster folks realize that Fact,the quicker they can arrange happiness in both the short and long term. That constant fhuqks Window Lickers up.

I hear good thangs about the 6.5 Kreedmire and it seems to me,that upper echelon BC's launched from a handy/dandy parcel,would by default connect alotta dots. Conjoin them constants with a mounting system of repute and a scope that does what scopes are SUPPOSED to fhuqking do and there ain't nothin' to fret.

Never been to Alaska,as it seems like that would be purty expensive. Lotsa stuff to do here in Kansas and the weather is usually nice.

A VERY wise man has oft mused,that it ain't difficult to cypher who shoots and who don't. He was/is 100% on the money,if only to The Paper Hat Brigade's chagrin.


Bless their hearts.



You make a good point on losing a leetle barrel length,to improve handling even more.

[Linked Image]

And as you cite,that modest Kreed' chambering,don't really give a fhuqk about barrel length and will stomp alotta schit flat...despite coming to the line with much less case capacity and/or barrel length.

I'd not go over 21" either...if only because I have.(grin)

Don't be too hard on The Paper Hat Brigade,because they are doing the best they can,with what incredibly fhuqking little they have to work with.

Bless their hearts.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."