Originally Posted by 260Remguy
I used to give it to our church to be served at the Wednesday evening fellowship dinners, but some of the members complained that the deer weren't being processed by a professional butcher shop, so now they pay full retail for whatever meat they serve at those dinners.

I regularly house sit for some friends who have a nice chicken coop & I would collect way too many organic eggs whenever they were out of town. So I would carton them up & bring them into the office to give away. But they would be different colors & sometimes have straw stuck to them. So my coworker told me her daughter saw them & said she "didn't want eggs from real chickens" anymore. grin

This made me laugh. I know what she meant in that she wanted the professionally processed, cleaned & sorted eggs from the grocery store. But my guess is that if she ever visited a commercial egg farm, she'd probably only want eggs from an converted playhouse in a backyard instead.