I would pay money to watch her debate Biden... grin.

George Washington had no experience governing when he was elected President. Abraham Lincoln had no experience governing when he was elected President. Teddy Roosevelt had been governor of New York two years when he was picked for VP.

I'm kinda OK with the "experience" thing. It honestly isn't Fauxbama's "lack of experience" that bothers me about him -- it's what he's experienced at, and what he believes.

I voted for Sarah in the primary; I voted for her for governor; and I'm voting for her for VP. And I think "President Palin" has a nice alliterative ring to it... grin grin grin.

Could get real interesting now.


"The more you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets."

"If you're asking me something technical, you may be looking for My Other Brother Darrell."

"It ain't foot-pounds that kills stuff -- it's broken body parts."